Analysis of Two Photographs by Dannie Abse
I'm really glad my camera is so good that you can read my notes. It really does help.
"Strange to know nothing, never to be sure"- Uncertainty towards beliefs and what is believed to be true.
"Someone must know."- Questioning tone, doesn't like not understanding, almost desperate need to know.
"Strange to be ignorant of the way things work"- People take things (life) for granted and don't try to understand any deeper meanings.
"Willingness to change"- People will change their lives to adjust to the world they know nothing about.
"Even to wear such knowledge - for our flesh/ Surrounds us with its decisions"- We're not in control of what we do and believe.
"And yet spend all our life on imprecisions"- Everything we think - like our explanations for life - aren't correct.
"When we start to die/ Have no idea why"- We die still ignorant of life and the truth is never revealed to us.
"When getting my nose in a book/ Cured most things short of school"- Reading is his escapism, lets him have fantasies about himself where he is this strong, powerful heroic character.
"Evil was just my lark:/ Me and my coat and fangs/ Had ripping times in the dark."- Thinks everyone fancies him, some kind of sex machine.
"I broke them up like meringues."- Thinks he awesome, but it doesn't take much effort to break a meringue.
"the dude/ Who lets the girl down before/ The hero arrives"- More realistic view of himself, likes he's playing the supporting role in his own life story.
"The large cool store selling cheap clothes/ Set out in simple sizes plainly"- Could be a positive or negative view of the shop. 'Cool' - could mean trendy, or literally cold, unpleasant. 'Cheap' - would be an advantage to shoppers, but could mean tacky. 'Set out in simple sizes plainly' - could mean it's easier to find what you're looking for, but could be degrading to the shoppers, saying they are simple natured and can't handle complexity.
"In browns and greys, maroon and navy"- Boring, bland colours for the working class during the day.
"Lemon, sapphire, moss-green, rose"- Feminine colours for nightwear - not just yellow, blue, green, and pink. Different sides to personality?
"To suppose/ They share that world"- Incredulous; can't believe someone can wear such different clothing.
"It stays as it was left" "As if to win them back" "bereft of anyone to please, it withers so"- House is personified; adds sympathy. 'withers' - like the house is dying.
"Having no heart to put aside the theft"- House has been robbed of its family.
"And turn again to what it started as,/ A joyous shot at how things ought to be"- House is supposed to have people in it, but the time has passed and it has to move on.
"Three decades later made this sudden bridge/ From your unsatisfactory age/ To my unsatisfactory prime."- Bridge - musical term - literally made a reference. He's in the prime time of life but is still no happier than his old mother. Can we ever be truly satisfied?
"They link us to our losses: worse,/ They show us what we have as it once was,/ Blindingly undiminished, just as though/ By acting differently we could have kept it so"
"Lonely in Ireland, since it was not home,/ Strangeness made sense"It makes sense to be an outsider in a new place because it's obvious to everyone that you're a tourist.
"Living in England has no such excuse"
"Here no elsewhere underwrites my existence"It's okay that he's different in Ireland because it's not his home, not where he belongs, but when he's at home there's no excuse, he should fit in but he doesn't.
"Those long uneven lines/ Standing as patiently/ As if they were stretched outside/ The Oval or Villa Park"People lining up to go war - a lot of the time in the trenches was spent waiting around bored. Cricket - game ground were common places of recruitment.
"Grinning as if it were all/ An August Bank Holiday lark"Happy - unaware of what they're signing up to - propaganda giving false reality.
"And the shut shops, the bleached/ Established names on the sunblinds,/ The farthings and sovereigns/ And dark-clothed children at play"Everything that is being left behind, peaceful last image of life before going to war.
"And the countryside not caring"Nature doesn't care for men, the war is so different to what they're used to - countryside is supposed to be a peaceful safe place.
"Never such innocence,/ Never before or since"The war had a lasting effect on England due to what it brought with it - first time weapons etc - but did this innocence we long for actually exist before the fall? Or do the war memorials create the idea of something that never existed in the first place?
"Without a word-- the men/ Leaving the gardens tidy"
"The thousands of marriages,/ Lasting a little while longer"Getting married in desperation before going to war - they can die together.